Huge day for me. I've been working for a muscle up wod for 2 years. Like most people when I found crossfit I started watching the HQ videos non stop. I mostly focused on videos that featured women. I didn't know anything about bumper plates so I was always seeing women with big weights and being from a globo gym I was always like "hold up, how much weight is that!?" When I saw "Nasty Girls" for the first time I was blown away. I didn't know there were women out there who were as strong as Nicole, Eva, and Annie. The muscle up immediately became a long term goal.
Everyone knows that the muscle up has been an elusive little thing for me. My first one came a week before last years regional qualifier in May and then I didn't stick another one until November. Since then there has been more failure than success but they were coming sporadically. I was patient. Kind of. Finally last week I started to nail them more often than I was failing them. So RH and I decided it was finally go time to put them to the test.
5 rounds
2 muscle ups
4 sandbag get ups 80#
8 GHD situps
So first of all, again....F that sandbag. And secondly it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I failed a few but for the most part if I took a minute to focus I got up on the rings. Until the last rep. I think I failed it 5 times before I hit it. My shoulder and elbows were pretty jacked up at that point and I almost walked away to not end with failure. With the strong likelyhood of the mu being part of the qualifiers/sectionals I needed to know that I could keep hitting them. I got it. I'm feeling good. Hopefully a month will be long enough to get them strong enough where a time limit wont mess me up.
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