Monday, July 19, 2010

Im back! Thanks to all of you who mentioned wanting to see me posting again. Its flattering to know y'all are reading. XOXO

"Helen on Roids" or "Double Pyramid Helen"

run 1200m
63 kettlebell swings (35#)
36 pull ups
run 800m
42 kb swings
24 pull ups
run 400m
21 kb swings
12 pull ups


Yesterday was day 1 of training camp for the LFL. My back was finally not in crippling pain and I only had 800 mg of IBU on board! YES! By the end of practice it was lit up pretty good but I still didn't need any pain meds to sleep. Woke up this am pretty stiff. One knee is swollen pretty good, limiting the rom but its just from ground impact so I figured I could chance it. Felt pretty good during the WOD but it was a tough one. Cant imagine doing it in a comp on day 2 with outdoor pull up stations and zero shade. Amazing watching Annie T blow this away in sub 18. Her pull ups are out of control. Box temp was 97 degrees. Full 4 pm sun outside. Day 2 of training camp tomorrow evening.