Thursday, December 31, 2009

1 rm clean

125x 3-135x3-145-155-160F

3k row 12:32

Happy New year! This year I'll be taking a much needed recovery bath and probably playing wii wishing I was drinking champagne. I was good, I resisted the nachos and beer at my Dads place. Thats a big step for me. Beer and chips are my vice!

Big thank you to RH who came by my house today with my Christmas gift (a women's bar) and enough # to possibly get me a PR. I was stuck at home again and he came to ease my anxiety by giving my home garage gym a jump start. I was fun to almost pr a clean in my driveway. RH, you are the best coach and friend a girl could have. Thank you.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2 rounds for time

1000m row
25 deads @135#
400m uneven farmers carry (50/35)
2 rope climbs to 15 ft



work negative HSPU on paralettes and on floor during rest 75# press
pistol work
band assisted HSPU

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


400m run
20 KB swings 35#
12 pullups

PR thanks to butterfly kip 7:37

3k row DNF (Troy started barfing )

Feeling kind of rough today but I expected that. I started the row sucking ass, and wasn't able to finish because Troy got sick. Poor little guy. The only thing I dislike about being a parent is the horrible sense of helplessness I feel when he doesn't feel well.

One thing I decided today is that I need to calm down. I have been feeling way too negative about my training. Every set back I run into sends me mental. Im going to try and settle down and just let the training and clean eating do its work. I figure the worst thing I can do is panic. I have a lot to do (in the gym and out) in the coming months. The good news is I have a lot of help at CF Daytona....RH!!! I trust his programming, all I need to do is bust it out.

Monday, December 28, 2009

400m run easy pace
20m high kicks
20m high knees
20m butt kicks
400m fast run

5 rounds, 2 min rest between rounds
50-10m suicide
10m tire flip

3 rounds

8 box jumps 28 inches
12 ring dips

5 pm

mu work
2k row (8:23)

Im back! This was my first WOD in a week. Before that I was moving in to the new place so I had no internet. I really wish that ring dips didn't take me 6 years to complete and that I didn't look like a complete freak struggling through them grunting like a dude. No muscle up today. Cant wait for the sugar withdrawls from the holidays to start, should be fun.

Todays picture was taken by Troy!

Monday, December 14, 2009

1.5k Run (11:33)

work up to 1rm deadlift

hit 275, which ties previous pr, but this one went up much easier and smoother


deadlift @ 135
ring dip


RH here, handling the anecdotal duties for MK--who is predisposed this evening. today's run was done during the hottest part of a damn hot day for december, and she pulled a decent time for the distance as a warm up run. the dead lifts were supposed to be 3 x 3, but she wandered over to Colin's bar and pulled it for a 1rm since she didn't feel like loading and unloading her bar. the lift was solid and went up way better than the last time she hit 275#. the metcon was relatively light for her, as far as deads go, but the ring dips were lurking in the background. she knocked out the dips, stringing together as many as she could, and always worked a good ROM. i have to say that her time was great. i can remember when a wod like this, with that many dips in it, would have taken nearly 30 min for her to struggle through. progress

Saturday, December 12, 2009

32 overhead anyhow (95#)


100 m sprint
KB swing (53#)
rest 2 min
100 m sprint


CFJax Christmas party tonight :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

5k run (24:01)

4 rnds

400m run
15 x toes to bar
25 x situps

5 min double under max (182)

Torn down today. Too tired to explain how much toes to bar suck. Oh, and 1 muscle up today!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

4:30 pm
3 rounds
10x jump squats
10x self assist muscle ups
5x clapping push ups

pull up
forward leaning rest in rings (feet on box)

push up
over head hold (25#)

(20# weighted vest)

Tabata row

Score (47 total calories)

6:00 pm
Lumberjack 20

185# deadlift x 20
400m run
KB swing (1 pood) x 20
400m run
OHS (85#) x 20
400m run
burpees x 20
400m run
CTB pull ups x 20
400m run
box jumps x 20
400m run
db squat cleans (25#) x 20
400m run


Showed up at the box this afternoon with extra energy and lucky enough to have my sweet parents watching Troy for me. Took hold of the opportunity and trained hard. I'm happy with my training today. Weighted pull ups felt pretty easy. 4 dead hang pull ups in a row +20 is more than I have done before. During the second WOD the OHS were easier than I recall. I feel improvement so Im happy. :)

Monday, December 7, 2009

5 min double under skill

3 rnds
15x db thruster
15x db squat clean
15x box jumps

AMRAP 6 min

10 Thrusters (65#)
15 ball slams (20#)

AMRAP 6 min

10 hang squat cleans (65#)
15 ball slams (20#)

AMRAP 6 min

10 ball slams
15 box jumps (21in)

Afternoon: Muscle up work

3+5 thrusters, 3+5 cleans, 5+5 ball slams

My legs are pretty torn up from this one. The new slam balls are pretty rough. You really have to get deep into a squat to retrieve those slippery little suckers. I felt like a big wuss since the thrusters felt heavy, but I guess its been a while since I have done them. I missed Fran a few weeks ago due to the shoulder. The third couplet messed with me. Its hard to redirect momentum like that. I always like an experimental WOD. Thanks RH! No muscle ups today. I don't have much to say about it. I suck I guess. Tomorrow is another day.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Troy, age 1

Three years ago today the sweetest silliest little boy ever was born. I feel like he fits here on my blog because he is a very big influence on my training. When he was born my life changed in a big way. I don't mean just lack of sleep and diapers. He gave me a real sense of self worth and importance that I feel I was missing before him. Making it through the pregnancy and birth and then spending a year breast feeding and learning how to be a mom made me feel like I could do anything. Today I am wishing him a very happy birthday and saying a big thank you to him for all the love and patience he gives me. Happy Birthday little angel!

Beer (stella) x2
pizza x3
Thomas the Train birthday cake (DNF)
sugar headache

I killed this WOD

Saturday, December 5, 2009

3 rnds for time

800 m run
21 power snatch (135#/95#)

Tanner: 17:14
RH: 20:46
MK: 27: 54

I was happy with this WOD regardless of the time. As soon as I was done I looked at RH and said that probably should have been a sub 20 WOD, but I don't know that I could have done this WOD at 95# last May. I was in some pain with the snatch unless my form was really good. I thought about scaling to 85# but I didn't feel like the shoulder was going to be injured more, just that it was going to hurt. I don't know if that makes sense but in this case the pain combined with the fact that 95# is not easy for me to muscle was a good teacher. I was forced to use my hip and pull under to avoid pain and not fail. I think I failed 2 reps total.

"I found myself running far faster than I had all day; I wasn't even conscious of my feet touching the ground as I crested the knoll ahead of the finish line. I wasn't running; it was as if something much larger than I was running me." -Yiannis Kouros, ultra marathon runner

Thursday, December 3, 2009

warm up
5 min row
15 squat jumps
15 push ups
15 box jumps
15 KB swings (light #)

3 minutes max reps wall ball (20#)
rest 1 min
3 minutes max reps KB swing (35#)
rest 1 min
3 minutes max reps push press (55#)
rest 1 min
3 minutes max reps box jump
rest 1 min
3 min max calorie row

Today I felt better than yesterday but still feeling very weak. Shoulder was mad at me for the first three moves but it is on the mend for sure. No pictures from today, but here is one of my kick ass lunch.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2.5 K run

3x5 deadlift work up to body weight

BW deadlift
pull up

then row 1000m for time

Colin 3:30 @ 185 (nice!)
RH 6:00 @195
MK 7:46 @155

Ok. Here's why blogs suck right here. I've been dreading doing this post all day. I don't know what happened. All that energy that I had was gone today. I came in and felt like complete ass. So I decided to do a slow paced 2.5 k run to see if I could warm up and start feeling it. The run was awful. I went into the WOD anyway and ended up on the verge of pukie or passing out the entire time. I was supposed to go right into a 1000m row but ended up face down on the floor for about ten minutes. I attempted the row but didn't want to puke on myself. So DNF on that one. I planned on doing the row later and maybe even trying a second WOD but even after a nap I wasn't feeling right. We will see how tomorrow goes.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

5 rounds

10 KB front squats (1 pood)
hill sprint (about a 50 yard sprint with a 43 ft elevation gain)

5 rounds for time:

hill sprint
10 KB swings at top (35#)
return to bottom

RH 5:20
Tanner 5:27
MK 6:56

So RH wanted to do a field trip. F me for being adventurous. This one was nasty. Im not a very good sprinter. Tanner is and RH is a beast. Hills have been huge in the games every year and this is the only hill in Daytona other than the bridges. I think this type of WOD will be popping up for us more often. It was much needed. Good times. For more impressive video than this one go to to see the boys in action.

Monday, November 30, 2009


warm up:
5 min double under work
5 min handstand work


Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

30/30 Push Press (25/15)

Gotta love a slow paced Monday! Today it was just RH and I @ 10:30 so I got a lot of coaching for the jerk. Everything was going up really easily, coming down to re-rack was another story. My shoulder didn't handle that part well.


I got three good reps at 145 and failed on the fourth. Went for it again as a 6th set since I really wanted it. I hit an ugly first rep and then as I was trying to re-rack it hit my chest slid and was a goner. It was time to call it a fail. Maybe next time. 30/30 was done at 15# which is too light really. I need to be at 20#. 115 reps, no drop and very little time for rest during the work period.


muscle up work
4 mile run (27:39)

Started with false grip dead hang pull ups and then worked into some attempts before resorting to dead hang muscle ups with band support. Got frustrated and hit the 4 mile route. Run pace was good, anytime I focus on POSE technique I seem to have a good pace without much effort. Sub 8 min miles are pretty good for me. Glad that taking time off from my runs has not killed me. After the run I ended up hitting 4 muscle ups in a row which is more than I have ever been able to pull off in one day. FINALLY! Now if I just stay on them this time, maybe they will stick around.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Since hearing about sectionals happening in March I have been hoping for the desire to really dig in and train. Last night it finally hit. Luckily, today I showed up at the box and found out that Solista at CF 324 had a monster WOD in the works.

"Dungeon Master"
225# deadlift x 12
muscle up x 6
225# squat clean

Tanner 25:55
RH 22:49
MK 24:25

Scaled to 135# and jumping muscle ups. After 6 months of distraction from the muscle up goal after the qualifiers I finally landed one on 11/18. I have not been able to get one consistently yet, but I am back working on them almost daily. 135# squat clean was easy to launch but hard for me to drive out of a squat. I bottomed out and failed 5 times during the WOD. I think 135 was my max squat clean the last time I went for it. I'm super happy with today, but after seeing photos I see that I need to stop muting my hip and my elbow need to get higher. RH was gifted Greg Everett's "Olympic Weightlifting" book and it has really helped us change the set up for the clean. He has coached me into being really loaded in the set up. It is helping me to pull under somehow. As for the jumping muscle ups...I'm dealing with having to still scale those suckers. Worked on keeping the rings in close through the pull and transition and tried to be easy on the shoulder.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

CFWU x 2


100 pullups
100 pushups
100 sit ups
100 squats


Made sure to work ring dips in the warm up. I'm finally able to get more than 5 in a row.
This was my first time attempting Angie RX'd. Struggling with pushups with the weakness in my chest. Was really happy with my air squats, and was able to go straight thru the situps and zone out. Over all I am super happy with the performance.