Monday, November 30, 2009


warm up:
5 min double under work
5 min handstand work


Jerk 5-5-5-5-5

30/30 Push Press (25/15)

Gotta love a slow paced Monday! Today it was just RH and I @ 10:30 so I got a lot of coaching for the jerk. Everything was going up really easily, coming down to re-rack was another story. My shoulder didn't handle that part well.


I got three good reps at 145 and failed on the fourth. Went for it again as a 6th set since I really wanted it. I hit an ugly first rep and then as I was trying to re-rack it hit my chest slid and was a goner. It was time to call it a fail. Maybe next time. 30/30 was done at 15# which is too light really. I need to be at 20#. 115 reps, no drop and very little time for rest during the work period.


muscle up work
4 mile run (27:39)

Started with false grip dead hang pull ups and then worked into some attempts before resorting to dead hang muscle ups with band support. Got frustrated and hit the 4 mile route. Run pace was good, anytime I focus on POSE technique I seem to have a good pace without much effort. Sub 8 min miles are pretty good for me. Glad that taking time off from my runs has not killed me. After the run I ended up hitting 4 muscle ups in a row which is more than I have ever been able to pull off in one day. FINALLY! Now if I just stay on them this time, maybe they will stick around.

1 comment:

  1. you have a very proud coach and training partner
