Since hearing about sectionals happening in March I have been hoping for the desire to really dig in and train. Last night it finally hit. Luckily, today I showed up at the box and found out that Solista at CF 324 had a monster WOD in the works.
225# deadlift x 12
muscle up x 6
225# squat clean

Tanner 25:55
RH 22:49
MK 24:25
Scaled to 135# and jumping muscle ups. After 6 months of distraction from the muscle up goal after the qualifiers I finally landed one on 11/18. I have not been able to get one consistently yet, but I am back working on them almost daily. 135# squat clean was easy to launch but hard for me to drive out of a squat. I bottomed out and failed 5 times during the WOD. I think 135 was my max squat clean the last time I went for it. I'm super happy with today, but after seeing photos I see that I need to stop muting my hip and my elbow need to get higher. RH was gifted Greg Everett's "Olympic Weightlifting" book and it has really helped us change the set up for the clean. He has coached me into being really loaded in the set up. It is helping me to pull under somehow. As for the jumping muscle ups...I'm dealing with having to still scale those suckers. Worked on keeping the rings in close through the pull and transition and tried to be easy on the shoulder.
that wod looks so intense!! nice work!