1.5k Run (11:33)
work up to 1rm deadlift
hit 275, which ties previous pr, but this one went up much easier and smoother
deadlift @ 135
ring dip
RH here, handling the anecdotal duties for MK--who is predisposed this evening. today's run was done during the hottest part of a damn hot day for december, and she pulled a decent time for the distance as a warm up run. the dead lifts were supposed to be 3 x 3, but she wandered over to Colin's bar and pulled it for a 1rm since she didn't feel like loading and unloading her bar. the lift was solid and went up way better than the last time she hit 275#. the metcon was relatively light for her, as far as deads go, but the ring dips were lurking in the background. she knocked out the dips, stringing together as many as she could, and always worked a good ROM. i have to say that her time was great. i can remember when a wod like this, with that many dips in it, would have taken nearly 30 min for her to struggle through. progress
I love reading the break down of the events at the box. Keep it up. Makes me smile:)