400m run
20 KB swings 35#
12 pullups
PR thanks to butterfly kip 7:37
3k row DNF (Troy started barfing )
Feeling kind of rough today but I expected that. I started the row sucking ass, and wasn't able to finish because Troy got sick. Poor little guy. The only thing I dislike about being a parent is the horrible sense of helplessness I feel when he doesn't feel well.
One thing I decided today is that I need to calm down. I have been feeling way too negative about my training. Every set back I run into sends me mental. Im going to try and settle down and just let the training and clean eating do its work. I figure the worst thing I can do is panic. I have a lot to do (in the gym and out) in the coming months. The good news is I have a lot of help at CF Daytona....RH!!! I trust his programming, all I need to do is bust it out.
could not agree more. congrats on the pr!