4:30 pm
3 rounds
10x jump squats10x self assist muscle ups
5x clapping push ups
pull up
forward leaning rest in rings (feet on box)
push up
over head hold (25#)
(20# weighted vest)
Tabata row
Score (47 total calories)

6:00 pm
Lumberjack 20
185# deadlift x 20
400m run
KB swing (1 pood) x 20
400m run
OHS (85#) x 20
400m run
burpees x 20
400m run
CTB pull ups x 20
400m run
box jumps x 20
400m run
db squat cleans (25#) x 20
400m run
Showed up at the box this afternoon with extra energy and lucky enough to have my sweet parents watching Troy for me. Took hold of the opportunity and trained hard. I'm happy with my training today. Weighted pull ups felt pretty easy. 4 dead hang pull ups in a row +20 is more than I have done before. During the second WOD the OHS were easier than I recall. I feel improvement so Im happy. :)
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