Squash and Red Onions Recipe after the WOD

row 750m
30 wall balls 10 ft 14#
25 KB swing 35#
20 box jumps
15 burpees
20 box jumps
25 kb swings
30 ball slams
400m run
pm: Press 2x10 (55#), 3x3 (85#) handstand hold after press
2 winter Squash, pretty much any type (pumpkin, acorn, butternut... not spaghetti) Don't be scared ya'll its good stuff.
1 red onion
extra virgin olive oil
sea salt
fresh ground pepper
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
To cook the squash: slice in half with a large knife, scoop out seeds with a spoon. Place face down on a microwavable plate cover with plastic wrap. Microwave for 5-7 minutes on high. Cook time depends on the type of squash, size and amount. You want the flesh to be partially cooked but still firm. Remove from the microwave and when its cool enough to handle cut the flesh into uniform sized cubes.
Slice the onion. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spread squash cubes and onions on to the paper and drizzle with olive oil. Season with sea salt and pepper. Roast until the onions caramelize. It's awesome left over!
A note on squash... I believe the fleshy meaty varieties of winter squash are to be used in moderation when following the paleo lifestyle. Yellow squash, zucchini squash, and spaghetti squash have lower a lower GI so as far as I know they are more acceptable.
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