Front squat
front squat 95#
ring dips
11 mins for a WOD with rx ring dips Im pretty happy. As for the front squat...I think its getting better. Its one of my worst lifts. My back is still not as strong as I'd like it to be. I am also stoked to report that I rocked out 3 of 4 muscle ups in the rest period between the 3 rm and the metcon. Im getting closer to being ready to rx mu's in WODs. I cant wait. Everyone knows that for about 2 years now I have been wanting to RX nasty girls. I remember seeing that video for the first time and wanting so badly to be crazy strong that I was shaking in my chair. Im sending muscle up vibes to a few people out there. You all know who you are.
Nutrition! Im reading and researching like a mad woman. Its so much easier to do the right thing when I know scientifically why I need to be doing it. Luckily there is a ton of support out there for me. Lots of people on paleo challenges right now. And a lot of CFD members on the healthy eating bandwagon. After looking at Levi's training log I think I am going to follow his lead and include some kind of nutrition tracking or recipe sharing on here.
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