3.7 mile run 33:34
down some protein then right into
3 rounds:
2 min max reps squats
rest 30 seconds
2 min max reps push ups
rest 30 seconds
2 min max reps sit ups
rest 30 seconds
2 min max reps pull up
WOD from CFJAX.com
Today was kind of treated as a recovery day. I did pretty well considering I half assed everything. I scaled the push ups to girly because of my shoulder and they were still hard for me, not painful but hard.
Also what's going on with me the last few days!? Ive been starving all day everyday unless Im eating. About 2 miles into my run I ran out of steam completely and wanted to crawl and all I could think about was getting some food in my body.
on the upside I got new PINK shoes today!
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