Sunday, January 31, 2010

2.5k run 12:32

Ran to dinner at moms part of the run is on uneven grassy terrain part of it is road. Trying to find out which shoes will be best for this weekend's trail run. North face hiking trail shoes are not the shoe. Thinking about bringing back the trusty New Balance 790.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Lululemon Crossfit East Family WOD in the street

Today was a great day. Great friends, old and new. Im still smiling! It was great to be with the family.

MK and RH

The CFD crew. Ross and Michael came along for the ride. :)

Two 1/2 of the absolute best people you'll ever meet. TJ, Mego and Sophia

The ever growing CF East family. Im honored to be a part of it.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

warm up:

3 rnds

5 dead hang pull ups (collarbone to bar hands shoulder width apart)
5 clapping push ups (I omitted these today, Im scared)
5 sit ups

5 rft:

100m farmers carry (53# KBs) Id just like to add that Tanner only used 50#
30m rope pull (70#)
5 tire flips
10 pull ups (CTB)

In honor of having my cooktop finally working...

Paleo Fish Fry!

wild caught halibut filet
1 tbs virgin coconut oil
coconut flour
unsweetened coconut flakes
1 egg (omega 3 enriched)
splash of coconut milk

Heat coconut oil on med in a skillet. Whisk the egg and splash of coconut milk in a shallow bowl. Coat fish in coconut flour, dip in the egg mixture allow excess to drip off. Roll in coconut flakes. Place in the oil, turn when the flakes begin to brown. remove from heat blot with a paper towel and sprinkle with sea salt.

The side dish in the photo is my version of a spinach pesto spaghetti squash recipe I found. It's a really good recipe. You can find it here along with a paleo stuffed pork idea:

I believe in giving credit where it's due. I thought this was a great idea. I left out the walnuts and used a little more spinach and added shallots. If you aren't really strict paleo, I think it would rule with some grated fresh parmesan cheese.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Squash and Red Onions Recipe after the WOD

row 750m
30 wall balls 10 ft 14#
25 KB swing 35#
20 box jumps
15 burpees
20 box jumps
25 kb swings
30 ball slams
400m run

pm: Press 2x10 (55#), 3x3 (85#) handstand hold after press

2 winter Squash, pretty much any type (pumpkin, acorn, butternut... not spaghetti) Don't be scared ya'll its good stuff.
1 red onion
extra virgin olive oil
sea salt
fresh ground pepper

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.

To cook the squash: slice in half with a large knife, scoop out seeds with a spoon. Place face down on a microwavable plate cover with plastic wrap. Microwave for 5-7 minutes on high. Cook time depends on the type of squash, size and amount. You want the flesh to be partially cooked but still firm. Remove from the microwave and when its cool enough to handle cut the flesh into uniform sized cubes.
Slice the onion. Cover a baking sheet with parchment paper. Spread squash cubes and onions on to the paper and drizzle with olive oil. Season with sea salt and pepper. Roast until the onions caramelize. It's awesome left over!

A note on squash... I believe the fleshy meaty varieties of winter squash are to be used in moderation when following the paleo lifestyle. Yellow squash, zucchini squash, and spaghetti squash have lower a lower GI so as far as I know they are more acceptable.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Warm up:
5 min row

3 rounds
5 pull ups
10 burpees
10 sit ups


10-1 renegade manmakers
1-10 Knees to elbows


500m row sprint 1:46 pr

Paleo Recipe debut on my blog, beware Im not a measurer. Also, during the move I had a huge set back and I dont have my cook top installed yet so everything I cook is in the oven or microwave. For now..

Coconut Mahi with Papaya Pineapple salsa

preheat oven to 375 degrees

5-6 oz Mahi filet

1 egg
splash of coconut milk
(combine and whisk in a bowl)

coconut flour
unsweetened coconut flakes
(sift onto a plate)

Crushed macadamia nuts

Coat the fish on both sides with the coconut flour mixture then dip into the egg wash. Place the fish on parchment paper on a cookie sheet. Sprinkle with crushed macadamias. Bake for 10-12 minutes until fish is flaky.


1/4 avocado
a few small cubes of papaya and pineapple
diced onion and tomato
coarse sea salt
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
(toss and throw on top of the filet)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Front squat


front squat 95#
ring dips


11 mins for a WOD with rx ring dips Im pretty happy. As for the front squat...I think its getting better. Its one of my worst lifts. My back is still not as strong as I'd like it to be. I am also stoked to report that I rocked out 3 of 4 muscle ups in the rest period between the 3 rm and the metcon. Im getting closer to being ready to rx mu's in WODs. I cant wait. Everyone knows that for about 2 years now I have been wanting to RX nasty girls. I remember seeing that video for the first time and wanting so badly to be crazy strong that I was shaking in my chair. Im sending muscle up vibes to a few people out there. You all know who you are.

Nutrition! Im reading and researching like a mad woman. Its so much easier to do the right thing when I know scientifically why I need to be doing it. Luckily there is a ton of support out there for me. Lots of people on paleo challenges right now. And a lot of CFD members on the healthy eating bandwagon. After looking at Levi's training log I think I am going to follow his lead and include some kind of nutrition tracking or recipe sharing on here.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

At the hair salon the other day some of the stylists were talking about new years resolutions. One of them busted out a pair of the new reebok shoes that are supposed to give you a great ass. They all took turns trying them on. Then when they started to decide what to order for take out lunch they said lets go healthy...and suggested firehouse subs. I was torn between being embarrassed for them, being annoyed, and just feeling badly for them.

It's the big issue in the Crossfit world right now that it's growing too quickly. Too many affilliating. Some of them using gimmicks, advertising to the "quick fixers", and moving toward running their boxes like a big box gym. Commercialism sucks sometimes. One thing is for sure. Gimmicks always end up being phased out. Crossfit has the ability to change peoples lives. I see it every day. I've connected with a ton of people through Crossfit. People from all walks of life and people of all ages and people all over the country. In case I haven't said it enough, I'm eternally grateful for all the people I train with, far away or close by. CFD <3

Thursday, January 21, 2010

If you want to see the reaaaaly ugly stuff see the gallery at but this is my blog and I get to pick the pretty stuff if I want.

"Near Death" Sin City Crossfit

400m run
power snatch 83#
chest to bar pullup

rest 3 min

500m row
OHS 83#
ring dips

rest 3 min

75 double unders
squat snatch 83#
muscle up (scaled to bands and eventually transitions for the last 3)

subtract 6 min from total time 42:15

A few things to say today. #1 I'm never following Tanner Graham into hell ever again. Ok thats wishful thinking but today was not the day for me to hit an epic WOD like this. Props to Sin City for programming this sucker. During the WOD I was super angry and I knew that I needed an OLY seminar ASAP. Saw the pictures and all that was on that camera was shot after shot of UGLY form. I went back to my old bad habits. Starting wide on the set up, staring at the floor, not sitting back on the heels. You name it, I faulted it. I need to work on the snatch before sectionals. I guess its too bad I missed that weekend long course I was planning on taking to become a USAW club level coach. Today I really felt like just defaulting to pole dancing and TRX training...but I think instead we will get some high level OLY seminar action going. Easy. What else you got?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

am: Trail run

17 mins and change

1.42 miles with lots of sand and hills


5 min double under focus
3 rounds of "Cindy"

then 4 rft:

25 double unders
20 sit ups
15 pull ups
10 TGUs 15#
5 ball slams 15#
400m run


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

1000m row


1x10 (95#)
1x8 (135#)
3x5 (185#,205#,215#)


3 rft
10x deadlift @115% bodyweight (185#)
25x box jump 24 inches

5:48 pr

Monday, January 18, 2010


Sandbag hill runs for fun and experiments
(115# and 60#)


Garage Games Event
AMRAP in 15min

10 KB swings 53#
run 120m
10 wallball 14#

Garage Games....going to be good times. Big thanks to Tanner for the push.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Flirted with 210# deadlifts


Friday's WOD

500m row
3 rounds of
25 KB swings 1 pood
15 ball slams
10 burpees
then 400m run


That maniac Cat got 9:27 or something like that. I was hoping to whoop her even though I knew it probably would happen. I checked my watch when I left the building from the run and knew I'd never be able to catch her, not with my crappy run. That girl is a fast one. Thanks, Cat for giving me some good competition! Im getting really excited for the games especially now that I have another female on our CFD team. Mego if you're out there Im waiting patiently for you to come back from that pregnancy. I cant wait. Lots of love to all my girls. Wendy too! Im so fortunate to have such a great group of crossfit girl friends.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

3.7 mile run 33:34

down some protein then right into

3 rounds:

2 min max reps squats
rest 30 seconds
2 min max reps push ups
rest 30 seconds
2 min max reps sit ups
rest 30 seconds
2 min max reps pull up

WOD from

Today was kind of treated as a recovery day. I did pretty well considering I half assed everything. I scaled the push ups to girly because of my shoulder and they were still hard for me, not painful but hard.

Also what's going on with me the last few days!? Ive been starving all day everyday unless Im eating. About 2 miles into my run I ran out of steam completely and wanted to crawl and all I could think about was getting some food in my body.

on the upside I got new PINK shoes today!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2.5k run
2.5k row

5 min AMRAP

5 push press 55#
25 double unders

rest 2 mins

5 min AMRAP

5 squat cleans 55#
25 double unders

rest 2 mins

5 min AMRAP

5 full snatch 55#
25 double unders

rounds (5,5,3)

The RX weight was 95# for women with power instead of full ROM. I was a good girl and scaled the weight after I tried a few at rx weight and felt some shoulder pain. Even at 55# the snatch was rough on it. Double unders were good today.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

max height box jump 36 inches?

mainsite WOD

3 rft
50 m lunge
100m broad jump
250 m sprint


wow. This was just mentally taxing. My shins are fatigued. Weird.

Monday, January 11, 2010


3x10 95#
3x5 135#
3x3 225#
3x1 255#

5K row 21:56

50 pull ups


Sprints/ box jumps/ wall crashing

Sunday, January 10, 2010

3.15 mile run 27:14 with a few minutes stopping in to say hi to Mom.

Friday, January 8, 2010

3 rounds "Cindy"

9x pull up
15x GHD sit up
21 squats

20# weighted vest

"When all else fails, use a weight vest." And all else did fail today. I think I over did it and the shoulder is back with a vengeance. Im pissed. Probably going to get some therapy on it this week and rest it. The plan now is to work on runs, L sits, squats, and anything else I can think of.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

warm up 2x barbell complex

12 deadlifts
9 hang power cleans
6 push jerk


2.5 K run
muscle up work

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

someone is not going to be missing the games due to a not low enough OHS this year

work up to 1 RM snatch in 10 mins

rest 5 mins

12 min AMRAP

5 OHS 95#
7 box jumps
9 toes to bar

5 rounds

Crossfit Football WOD

20 min interval row, 1 min work 1 min rest
total meters must be 2500.


What I learned today...10 minutes is really not that long. Just a burg warm up and going straight in was not a good strategy. If this comes up in a comp Ill be sure to have worked technique more beforehand.

Monday, January 4, 2010

7.5 k run 45 min and some change

Tabata Mashup

burpee/ L hang
split jump/ frog leap


KB swing 70#
L pull up (rings)
push up


Im exhausted. I ran like Forrest Gump today and that KB was a heavy mother. Thats all I got tonight.