Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Skill practice: HSPU I got 3 in a row head to the ground x2 and then called it a day with the chest muscle thats freaking out. Huge progress out of no where there.

AMRAP in 20 min:

10x SDHP 53#
10x push press 65#
10x GHD sit up

9+5 pp


Trained with BCC's finest.

Worked up to 125# back squat

5 min max rep back squat: 35 reps

1 mile run

7x 100m sprints

Worked on my technique. Surprised myself again... 16 sec was about the number today. Not bad for me.


  1. kicking ass and taking names... what's next on the list?

  2. Next on the list was 135 snatch. I was hoping for 125 today. Shit
