Tuesday, March 30, 2010

500m row
400m run
15x passthrough
15x goodmorning
3 rounds of Cindy

4 round for time
400m run
10x tgu @ 25#
20x split jump
10x knees to elbows


RH here, filling in the anecdotal duties. this was an amazing one to watch and coach MK through. there was no stop through all 4 rounds. most of these movements aren't here specialty, as she will admit, but she sank her teeth into this one and didn't let go until the bitter end. the level of work capacity, and her willingness to push her physical and mental barriers was inspiring.

Monday, March 29, 2010


10x deadlift @205
25x box jump @28"

Thursday, March 25, 2010

5 rounds

5x press 85#
3 hspu

3 mins between rounds

Easy strength day. Side tracked again. Sometimes its for good reason sometimes not! I hear deads are happening tomorrow. Really hoping not to see a jones crawl on that whiteboard.

vid from yesterday:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

5 rounds

5 front squats 135#
3 box jumps @ 36 inches

3 min rest between rounds


FGB task priority... kind of

3 rnds

20x wallball 14#, men's target
20x power clean 65#
20x push press 65#
20x box jump 21 in
20 cal row

24:something awful

then: turned out muscle up practice. I finally got some.

Took an unexpected rest day yesterday because I'm vain and I wanted my hair "redder." I'm a little distracted right now and finding it a little bit hard to get really motivated before I actually start the WOD. Once I am in it I'm doing OK but I could throw more intensity in. Maybe after next week I will be able to pull in some focus.

Monday, March 22, 2010


Snatch practice. Heaving snatch balance 5x3 85/105


15 cycles

30 seconds row, 30 seconds rest
each work cycle must row at least one meter more than the last

Kept the av. meters around 140


4k run 18:29

Got the detox sweats on my run today! Felt like I had cement blocks tied to my feet. Sucky. Hamstrings STILL feeling "Stephen". Whole 30 challenge underway at the box. Snatch balances were average. I'm just going to try and be patient and keep working them until I get what I need. Here is a vid of a slightly crappy attempt but it's funny.

A great link for my CFD girls and guys too. Good info.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rainbows and clouds

18 front squat 95#
15 ring dips
12 split jerk 95#
9 overhead lunges 95#
6 rope climbs
9 HSPU (band assisted)
12 deck squat
15 med ball clean 20#
18 cal row

Thursday, March 18, 2010



GHD sit ups
GHD back extentions
knees to elbows
stiff legged deadlifts 95#

21: something

This thing was craziness. Motion sickness and a shit ton of blood pooling in your face behind your eyes. Not a good time. Definite intensity today! I like it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


AMRAP in 20 min
2 muscle ups
8 KB swings

7 rounds, 2 mu

I took a few days off to celebrate. Beer, bagel with cream cheese, beer, chips, beer, wings, nasty burger... it was madness. I felt it. Energy was crap. All I wanted to do was sleep. But we're back in business here. I'm giving myself the rest of the week to creep back into the strict life but it's on. About 70 days until the deciding day. Im excited to train!
FL Sectionals

Rather than recount the fun times it's time for me to say some stuff to some people. SPEECH!

First of all a huge thank you to RH. Thank you for your infinite patience, your care for my training above everything else, your brilliance in programming, and everything else that I am missing here.

Big huge thank you to my parents, Jeremy, and Irene for all the help with Troy. I spend a lot of time training and I'd never be able to do it without your love and support.

Thanks to everyone at CFD. You are all a constant source of support and excitement for me. You guys keep me going. Without you Crossfit Daytona would still just be a dream. A lot of you have given me some really useful training advice and have been great training buddies. You are a fantastic family. To all of our competitors...great frigging job this weekend. I was very proud of our showing.

My CF East Family. I love every second I get to be around you guys, train with you, and share your lives. (Mego you were there in spirit girl!) My Vero Fam! Wendy, thank you for all your support as well and congrats on qualifying.

I'm very thankful for everyone who competed and volunteered. All amazing and friendly people. Crossfit community at it's finest. I met a ton of great people. Thanks to the crew at BGI and the rest of the people in charge. It was a great event and I'm honored to have been a part of it.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

2.5 k run, 2k row
Troy: 400m run x 2, row, airdyne

Monday, March 8, 2010

Heaving snatch balance until frustrated. More snatch work. Pistol fun.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Run. Sprint bridge. Run to beach. Run on sand. Run back. Sprint bridge. 50 double unders. Sprint bridge + 16 lbs x 2. 50 du.

Thursday, March 4, 2010



ring dip
push up

No clock, for completion. 21 HSPU rx full rom then switched to band assist. Ring dips were rx. The nutrition has been really good for the week, down a few pounds looking leaner and feeling really...really good. Im ready for sectionals. Have a lot of extra energy building up.



ultimate goal by qualifier: 135#
goal for the day: 125#


I let frustration get the best of me. I had plenty of speed and power. 125 was thrown up there and I was under it but I just couldn't get the technique to work out so I could land it. Frustrating. I still think that 135 by May is an attainable goal. Ambitious probably but I just need to work the landing.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Skill practice: HSPU I got 3 in a row head to the ground x2 and then called it a day with the chest muscle thats freaking out. Huge progress out of no where there.

AMRAP in 20 min:

10x SDHP 53#
10x push press 65#
10x GHD sit up

9+5 pp


Trained with BCC's finest.

Worked up to 125# back squat

5 min max rep back squat: 35 reps

1 mile run

7x 100m sprints

Worked on my technique. Surprised myself again... 16 sec was about the number today. Not bad for me.

Monday, March 1, 2010

I've been hit by a blue meteor that gave me super powers. Took 2 days off and came in feeling like a million bucks. This wod is a slight variation of a Sin City Crossfit WOD that we hit back in January. Frustrated as hell since it was full of all of my weak points I was able to just sneak in scaled and pissed off at around 45 minutes. This time I RX'd and just about every rep was pretty. Circled are weaknesses that I have been trying to tackle since last years quals. This WOD a year ago was a pipe dream for me. Left some blood and skin on the rings and welled up after completing the second couplet. Today all the work I have put in this year started to pay off. Sectionals in 12 days.