Tuesday, August 31, 2010

FGB work up

3 rft

20x wallball 14#
20x SDHP 55#
20x push press 55#
20x box jump 21 inch
20 cal row


Need to sprint more! I was sore in fun places. FGB is awful for my back but I am pretty happy with the time. Really was not feeling a WOD. Yay for a strict workout partner.

Monday, August 30, 2010

am: run 4k?

pm: 10x 100m sprints

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Paleo Southwest Frittata

1 tbs chili oil (contains soybean oil which is not paleo friendly-chili jam might be better)
2 tbs olive oil

1/2 green pepper diced
1/4 white onion diced
1 cup diced mushrooms
5 grape tomatoes diced
1 small jalapeno diced
chopped fresh cilantro

3 eggs, 3 whites
1 tsp white pepper
pinch of fine sea salt
avocado sliced

Preheat oven to 325 degrees.
Whisk the eggs and seasoning in a bowl.
Heat chili oil and olive oil in skillet, throw in green peppers, onions, jalapenos, and shrooms. Saute on med heat to desired firmness then add tomatoes and cilantro for the last few minutes.
Lower the heat on the veggies and pour in the eggs, remove from heat and place the skillet in the oven. Bake for 10-15 mins. Flip onto a serving dish and slice like a pizza, top with avo slices.
Serves 4 or can be refrigerated and reheated :)

It's Sunday. Eat bacon, drink black coffee.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Thurs: 5k is run

Friday: 4 mile run



hang power snatch


AMRAP in 15
3 hang power snatch (65#)
5 ring dips
7 toes to bar
25 double unders

8+3 snatches

Wednesday, August 25, 2010



deadlift 135#

1 abmat scale, finally got the kip down. Feet coming off the wall still. Deadlifts unbroken.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

3 pm

2.5k run

Fast paced. Felt better than any run in a long time.


FGB tabata work up

8x 20:10

Wallball 14#
SDHP 55#
Push Press 55#
box jump
calorie row


Felt a little rusty. Wallball was a little painful but not too bad. SDHP I usually can make some money there but after yesterday finally getting to move heavy cleans I was fatigued. Push press, awful as usual. Box jumps.. my brain wouldnt let me do them the way I used to pre injury. The rebound made my knees buckle. By round 8 I finally had it. So after today they should be fine. Row... cool down pace and was still able to pull out 4o some cals. Over all not bad for recovery.

Monday, August 23, 2010


3 rounds
12 KB snatch 35#
10 ball slam 15#
8 ring dips
2 rope ascents

Its not easy to get a good WOD in at 7 am on an empty stomach and with only about 45 total minutes including driving time to get it done. So Im trying to find time to come back in the afternoons for a second session.


3x5 power clean
3x3 power clean
3x1 power clean

then 2.5k run, 500 m row cool down

Held back from my 1RM and stuck at 155# because it wasnt as pretty as I wanted. dropped back down and moved back up to focus on tech and safety, not weight. Not bad for a cripple.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

5k run mod pace, power clean the house while watching Troy and Logan play. Thats totally a WOD. Happy Weekend everyone.

Friday, August 20, 2010

20-18-16-14-12-10-8-6-4-2 KB swing (35#)
1 round of "Cindy" in between

19: something

FU push ups. That is all.

PM: stroller run with Troy head.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

This video is floating around the crossfit friends I keep up with via facebook. I love it and I wanted it on here. Metallica via strings and athletic motivation.


Im sore but I plan on making up todays run wod

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

3 rnds
10 headcutters (35#)
20 wallball bench piston press (15#)
5 CTB pull ups


Thruster (95#)
Strict pull up


Took the thrusters nice and easy, or as easy as heavy thrusters can be. Dont have much to say about my WOD but damn I saw some girls in my gym killing some heavy thrusters and even saw that Lynn RX'd and Watched Meri absolutely destroy this one. So fun. Everyone is making such big gains!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

5 min row

10 power cleans (95#)
2 min Airdyne 15:15
3 rnds

10 headcutters (35#)
500m row (2 min split) ended up being around 2:12
3 rnds

300 sec tuck hang/ plank

Monday, August 16, 2010

7:00 am


5 wall squat
10 squat
5 squat jump
10 split jump

for completion:

10-1 ladder
pull up
deadlift (135/95)
push up
30 double unders

7 am workouts are hard for me. I have way more energy at 4 and after a meal. But I have to get it done. I completed most of the pull ups and burpees strict due to the discomfort of any extra spinal extension. (5# deadlift felt more like 135 to me today but it was nice to get my hands on a barbell.

Nutrition was on today, paleo strict.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Catch up. Its been kind of hard to blog about the mundane recovery workouts I have been trying to get in. Almost as hard as actually doing them. I've had a list of movements that I can do without hurting myself and some days the programming is picking a few of the movements and throwing up a rep scheme.

Progress: I haven't needed anything stronger than IBU for 2 weeks. My pain has been more muscular fatigue than low back pain. I have been able to add in a few 5k runs and even got some light weight in my hands. If I can just keep the progression slow I think I will be good to go in a few more weeks.

Set backs: The nutrition has been worse than its been in at least a year for probably a month straight. There has been a lot of beer and a lot of snacking on non-paleo foods. Uncool. Energy level is low and I wake up with swollen feet and sometimes a stuffy nose. Anyone remember the crack symptoms?? I will get back on track for a while and then fall off. Im thinking when I can amp up my training it will help my nutrition motivation. For now I am going to try and get back into my paleo experimental cooking. That always helped. Sending meal pictures to paleo friends for accountability is also helpful.

Sat Aug 14:

1-10 ring dip/ push press (15#)
10-1 weighted step up/ front rack hold w/ RH (25#KB 21')
10-1 w. step up/ front rack hold (35# KB 10')

Most loaded my spine has been and the soreness is all in the shoulder and upper back. YES!!

Thurs Aug 12:

10 RFT
10 thrusters, 10 ring push ups

35# bar for thrusters, rx ring push up had time for 7 rnds, had enough push ups for 6 rounds hah 13 mins something for the scaled 7

Wed Aug 11:
(10 manmakers @12# 30 sec ring support) 3 rnds
8 manmakers @15#-same
6 @25# (removed rows in the manmaker at this weight)

Tues Aug 10: 5k

Monday Aug 9: 5k

Friday Aug 6: