Thanks a bunch, Ash.
wallball (14#)
ring dip
box jump
25m overhead lunge (25# plate)
I felt like death after the round of 9!? I dont know if it was the WOD or if I just suck arse. Ash said someone at his box did this WOD in 30 mins at 50m overhead lunge?? Unfathomable. It felt like we were working out in a bathtub today and I was not happy about it. Also my ring dips were even more lame than usual. Not a good day for me.
Overhead weighted lunges...good gawd NOOOO! Haha it was programmed for 50m weighted lunges. We cut it down to 25m after the 2nd round cause we knew it was gonna take forever. You guys are studs for finishing it overhead...applause!