Tuesday, September 21, 2010

For Tracey, a typical dinner. Grilled sirloin steak, broccoli, 1/2 avocado. Yes, I do eat things that are not on the encouraged food list! My favorite things to blow my training diet on are sushi and beer. I'm really good about keeping my training up and average at nutrition. Check out this blog, http://rxgirlsmiami.com/crossfit-girls-blog/ I met the author at sectionals this year, she's pretty awesome. Some good nutrition pops up on there.

"Potential Disaster"

400m run
45 KB swing (35#)
36 box jump (24")
27 push ups
18 squat jumps


3 thrusters (95#)
6 burpees

9 clapping pushups
18 box jumps (24")
27 pull ups
36 air squat
45 sit ups

400m run


WOD by insular gym, by way of The Shop


  1. thanks for giving this one a shot Melissa. i was pretty happy with the way it turned out.

  2. Thank YOU. I will be checking in with your blog more often. It was a good one.
