3 muscle up
4 deadlifts #205
score 0
11 min AMRAP
3 KB snatch #53 per arm
4 burpee pull up
3 KB TGU #53 per arm
score 1 rnd and 3 tgu?
Well. It was one of those days. I don't know what it is about the muscle up but I seem to let it define my athleticism. I let it totally ruin my day that I still could not knock out even one. It's so annoying that I can rip out a sub 4 Fran but I cant easily perform some of the gymnastic skills. I didn't even give a thought to the 343 that this was for. Shame on me. It took a lot for me to get over myself long enough to at least give Meri the credit she deserves for completing her first RX mu WOD. MERI!! It was so awesome to look over and see you fighting through all those MUs not to mention super heavy deads! It was the only thing that kept me wanting to try.
I need to break this mental barrier and get back up on those rings real fast. I'm planning my attack right now.
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